Phase 1 Development Schedule

As mentioned in our previous post, we anticipate two phases of development: phase 1 will concern our internal development to build the core numa protocol, and phase 2 will concern our partner integrations. We’ve laid out a rough schedule for phase 1 below, though this is subject to change and adjustment as we finalize requirements and development resources with our partner. We will have more news on this at a later date. It should be noted that everything below is subject to change and should not be considered binding. This constitutes our plan as it stands in our current stage of development. Any updates will be expressed to the community if that time comes.

Sprint 1 - Basic burn & mint functionality
  • Burn $NUMA to mint either $nuUSD or $nuBTC

  • Burn either $nuUSD or $nuBTC to mint $NUMA

  • 0.2% fee for any minting transaction, whether minting nu money or $NUMA

Timeline: Three weeks for development and two weeks for testing

Expected: Week of 11/20

Sprint 2 - One-click arbitrage functionality

Users will be able to track arbitrage opportunities on $nuUSD or $nuBTC via an interface, and this interface will also allow users to take advantage of the opportunities in one transaction.

  • To bring the price down: ETH > NUMA > nuUSD > ETH

  • To bring the price up: ETH > nuUSD > NUMA > ETH

Timeline: Two weeks for development and two weeks for testing

Expected: Week of 12/18

Sprint 3 - LP staking for nu money
  • Stake nu money LP to earn rewards (e.g., $nuUSD/$ETH)

  • Unstake LP token and claim rewards simultaneously

  • Claim rewards without unstaking LP token

Timeline: Two weeks for development and one week for testing

Expected: Week of 1/15 (pending holidays)

Sprint 4 - Synthetic swaps
  • Users will be able to swap between any two nu money assets. For example, the user should be able to go $nuUSD to $nuBTC without slippage.

  • 0.2% fee for swaps

Timeline: One week for development and one week for testing

Expected: Week of 1/29

Sprint 5 - Mint nu money from ETH
  • Users will be able to use $ETH as an input and receive nu money as an output in one transaction.

Timeline: 1 week total for development and testing

Expected: Week of 2/5

Sprint 6 - Frontend integration

As mentioned in our previous post, we have made a lot of progress on the frontend dApp. However, because of our strategic partnerships, the requirements for this may be changing slightly, so we can’t estimate exactly how much time the frontend integration will take. A fair guess is probably about a month, though this process can begin at an earlier point in development—provided we get clarity on requirements—so that development can run simultaneously with previous sprints.


We have a few auditors in mind, though the exact requirements and timeline can’t be estimated at this time. It especially depends on the extent of our partner integrations. This might take about six weeks, depending on how it goes. We will have more news on this when we get further along.

Development Update

As mentioned in our previous post, we began development on the core functionality of the numa protocol last Monday, 10/16. We are closing in on finishing development of spring 1 and have begun testing. The completion of sprint 1 should align nicely with our next development update and our AMA at the end of November, so we will have more news at that time.

All things considered, we’re still probably looking at the beginning of Q2 for the completion of the protocol. We appreciate everyone’s support, and we will have more updates as we go along. Make sure to submit your questions and check out our first AMA at the end of November. We will create an AMA form when we get closer to that date. And, as always, hop in our Telegram if you have any questions!

Phase 1 Schedule & Development Update

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© 2024 numa. All rights reserved.

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