The vault is live!

We are excited to announce the first release for the numa protocol—the rETH vault! The vault can be accessed here. We also have a new DAI/NUMA LP that can be accessed here. The vault backs the $NUMA token with rETH and allows the protocol to distribute liquid-staking yield on our synthetics, which will be released soon. Check out our blog post and whitepaper for more details on the benefits of the vault.

We are so grateful for everyone who has stuck with us through this pivot, and we’re excited to continue our journey to bring sustainable, real yield to real-world assets.

What’s next?

We are currently heads down on developing the rest of the protocol, and we’re making great progress. We had about two months worth of work completed prior to changing directions with the vault. We will have more solid dates soon, but we’re expecting the complete numa protocol to be ready for launch in the next couple months. These are the components and their current statuses:

  • Synthetics minting and burning (done)

  • Synthetic swaps (done)

  • Synthetics staking (in-progress)

  • LP staking (in-progress)

  • Front end web app (in-progress)

In addition to resuming our progress on synthetics, we’re developing a powerful upgrade to our vault—Vault 2.0. This is currently in-progress, and we’ll be providing more information about this in the next couple of weeks.

Wen marketing?

Now that the vault is live, we are beginning formal marketing efforts. These efforts will gain momentum and culminate in the launch of the complete numa protocol. In the short term, you may see some KOLs talking about numa on X. Drew will also be appearing on some X Spaces in the coming weeks. Shortly, there will be some partnership announcements. And finally, there will be some articles in major publications, as we get closer to the launch of our synthetics. As we’ve made clear from the beginning, our focus will be on meaningful partnerships that bring real value.

We will have more updates on development progress in the coming weeks. For now, we appreciate everyone’s support, and we invite you to join our Telegram community and join the discussion.

The Vault is Live!

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© 2024 numa. All rights reserved.

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© 2024 numa. All rights reserved.

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